Catalonia Excelsior




Discover the hotels in Valencia

Valencia, which in Roman times meant “city of the brave”, is located on the banks of the Turia River and the sea, with a mild climate and little rainfall. There is a lot to see and if you stay in one of the many hotels in Valencia, such as the Catalonia Excelsior, you will discover it. Keep reading and find out about the routes of this Mediterranean city. [...] Ver más +

Hotels in Valencia

We recommend three routes with which you can enjoy the charms of the Valencian capital, whether you are traveling for leisure or business:

Historical Route: discover the Ciutat Vella and tour Muslim Valencia through the remains of the wall. Visit the Lonja de la Seda y los Mercaderes, the Serranos Towers (which still preserve cannon shots from the War of Independence), the Cathedral and, if you have time, try to cross the 19 bridges over the Turia. Did you know that the popular saying “being on the moon in Valencia” originated when the city was walled? It referred to those who stayed outside the wall after closing time.

Cultural Route: the city has more than 50 museums and exhibition halls. We recommend the Museum of Fine Arts or the Almoina Museum where you can explore from Roman times to the Middle Ages. If you are looking for a mix of scientific dissemination and entertainment, visit the City of Arts and Sciences. If you travel with children they will love L’Iber, Museum of the Tin Soldiers. It is the largest museum of historical miniatures in the world. If you prefer to see spectacular animals, you cannot miss the Oceanogràfic, one of the largest aquariums in the world.

Green Route: tour the Albufera Natural Park, which in Arabic meant “the little sea”, the Rafalell Marsh and Vistabella, or enjoy a bicycle route through the Valencian orchard. The city has a large number of parks and gardens and a visit to Malvarrosa beach is a must.

Talking about Valencia is talking about the Fallas, its most traditional and world-known festival. In March the city is filled with mascletás, a pyrotechnic show full of sound and color that ends in the “nit del foc”, a castle of spectacular fireworks. Las Fallas have a lot of tourist attraction because they have become a festival of International Tourist Interest. The city also stands out for its Marine Holy Week, the Battle of the Flowers or the Valencian Day. For these dates we recommend that you book your stay in the hotels in Valencia in advance.

After all this route, you're probably already getting hungry. Nothing better than paella, of Valencian origin and internationally known. Other typical local dishes are all i pebre, made with eels, recommended only for the most daring, or esgarraet (red pepper and cod salad). Among the pastries we highlight the panquemado or the fartons and, to drink, horchata, muscatel mistela and Valencia water.

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Barcelonina 5 | 0 Km / Centre
Gym Historical centre With charm
8.6 / 10 - EXCELLENT

What to do in Valencia

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    Historical centre

    Walking through the historic center of Valencia will make you discover much of its past, with more than 15 points of interest to explore. From the Catalonia Excelsior hotel you can visit the entire historic center of the city on foot.
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    Valencia Cathedral

    Also called Santa María de Valencia, the Valencia Cathedral was built in 1262. It contains paintings from the Quattrocento (15th century, first phase of the Renaissance), among which are some of the most valued in all of Spain.
  • public://valencia-oceanografic.jpg


    It is located within the City of Arts and Sciences and is the largest aquarium in the European Union. At the Oceanogràfic you will find everything from dolphins, walruses and seals to penguins. In addition, it offers outdoor leisure activities such as boats and kayaks for strolling.
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seagulls flying on the beach

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Where to eat paella in Valencia
