Catalonia Hotels & Resorts Blog

Live a green day in Catalonia Gran Dominicus

We love our planet and love taking care of it. At Catalonia Gran Dominicus, we have a weekly ecologic day dedicated to showing some love to our beautiful paradise.

Tuesday is the day when we team up with the Animation Squad and some of our guests to give the Earth something in return for its wonders.

Join us for a walk through our amazing gardens ending in the greenhouse (yes, we have one). Learn about all the variety of birds and plants that can be found only in this paradise.

Every action done now is meant for kids to have a better future, that’s why we encourage the little ones to be part of these campaigns. let them enjoy a reclycling exhibition in the Kids Club area, where they’ll be able to express their creativity playing and creating colorful artcraft made with recycled materials.

Leave your mark in our Resort’s gardens by planting a small plant that will someday become a big tree, for you to visit any time you come back.

No green day in the Caribbean is complete without a visit to the pool, be part of a Kayak competition and have a blast with our world famous Animation Team, ready to give you the best fun experience.

Enjoy an amazing cocktail at the Merenguero Bar, where you willrecover from the good job done. Visit the local arts & crafts market open from 10 am to 7 pm.

To recognize the effort you made at the Eco Day we’ll celebrate a special thematic dinner in the Taino Restaurant. Come and meet us at 8 pm.

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle learn how to preserve our planet!