Let’s celebrate al Catalonia Hotels and Resorts in the Dominican Republic

So far 2015 has been a spectacular year for Catalonia Hotels & Resorts in the Dominican Republic providing us with unforgettable moments that we are proud to share with you.

We recently celebrated the Dominican Independence Day and Human Resources organized a creative and fun activity in which several departments participated.

catalonia hotels, república dominicana

Our employees were invited to decorate their office with related Independence festive materials and the end result was impressive and amusing.

Take a look at some of our photos showing off our employee’s creativity and effort.

On the other hand in March we celebrated Women’s Day and Human Resources planned an activity, where we all had the chance to nominate the greatest “Woman of Catalonia 2015”.

Each department nominated two collaborators, taking into consideration the following criteria: support, dedication and excellent relationship with their coworker in their daily routine.

catalonia hotels, república dominicana, día de la mujer

We have no doubt that each and every one of our collaborators who work for Catalonia Hotels & Resorts are worthy of this nomination.

We value the effort and dedication that each woman provides on a daily basis, being able to offer an excellent service for all our guests.